What is this?

Welcome to the official blog for the Speaking of Silence performance project This site is a place to share your stories and thoughts about silence and to engage in a dialogue with other interested writers, artists, thinkers, activists, and people around the world on the subject of silence and the power it has in shaping who we are and how we relate to the world.

Every few days or so, I will be posting a provocative question or quote to generate more thought and responses from you. You may respond to the quote or let it be a springboard to other stories you'd like to tell in the comments section You may also submit a story unrelated to the current Post Question by hitting the comment bar.

So share! Nothing is too small or too big. And you can share as often as you like. I am hopeful that this becomes a really dynamic space for people to visit every few days.

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Day the Music Died?

A poster promoting Britain's "Day without Music" this year.

November 21st, the day before Thanksgiving in the United States was Britain's Day Without Music. Bill Drummond initiated the day three years ago as an extension of his own experiment with aural fasting. Here's a link to the official site, as well as a wonderful Salon.com article about the viability of escaping the incessant drone of of manipulative music in public spaces in America and learning how to listen again. What do you think?



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