What is this?

Welcome to the official blog for the Speaking of Silence performance project This site is a place to share your stories and thoughts about silence and to engage in a dialogue with other interested writers, artists, thinkers, activists, and people around the world on the subject of silence and the power it has in shaping who we are and how we relate to the world.

Every few days or so, I will be posting a provocative question or quote to generate more thought and responses from you. You may respond to the quote or let it be a springboard to other stories you'd like to tell in the comments section You may also submit a story unrelated to the current Post Question by hitting the comment bar.

So share! Nothing is too small or too big. And you can share as often as you like. I am hopeful that this becomes a really dynamic space for people to visit every few days.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Is it my hair?

We've had a change in plans for the June performance. Due to a number of circumstances beyond our control, Gina will now be performing two pieces by the well known playwrights whose pictures are shown below:

As one whose hair has always evoked *some* sort of reaction in most people, I feel I have a special bond with these two guys. And they both pushed the conventional boundaries of the theatrical traditions of their day with evocative portraits of the bleak and humorous landscape of the human condition. They moved me incredibly the first time I read them back in college. The very first scene I performed as a Drama major was from "Miss Julie" by August Strindberg, and I became downright obsessed with Samuel Becket about a year later after reading his novel Malloy. So, it seems only fitting to visit them again as part of the Silence Project.

Or maybe it's just about the hair.

The program for the June performance will now be Strindberg's "The Stronger" and Samuel Beckett's "Rockabye", with a short audio piece in between gleaned from the comments left on this blog and materials gathered from live interviews.

If you were looking forward to "Request Concert", don't worry. There are still plans in the works to mount this production at a later date. And we are in serious talks with a local radio personality who was recently silenced. He's very interested in being involved.

Stay tuned for more information, updates, and comment requests soon!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Breaking the Silence/Beginning the Project

This is a Nikki S. Lee-esque image for the brochure promoting the silence show this summer. We've settled on the haunting one woman piece by Kroetz, "Request Programme', which focuses for an entire hour on the series of silent rituals performed by a working class single woman in her home in between work and bed. While the woman never speaks or interacts with anyone during the entire show, she listens to a popular radio program which combines various styles of music and interviews for much of her evening. This is where we'll be using many of the interviews and letters collected so far, in addition to putting out a call for original music from all genres that somehow deal with the theme of silence, breaking silence, etc. Interested in contributing? Got a band? A guitar? Some lyrics or a poem? An image you'd like us to consider for the limited visual elements of the piece? Stay tuned here for more information on how to contribute.

Of course, you can always write about the effect and purpose that silence has in your life at any time. Simply hit the comments button below and start typing. We've all been silent for a while in this tiny blogosphere, but it only takes one voice to get things started again.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone,
