This will be the theme of the audio piece between the Strindberg and Beckett at the June performance.
There are many questions related to this subject and we expect to hear from a wide variety of voices and opinions to use as the raw material for the piece. We'll start posting a question a day for the next few weeks to generate specific thoughts and responses around certain themes.
But for now - anything that springs to mind about this subject that you'd like to share?
Some of you have asked for instructions about how to leave a comment. Simply click on the tiny work "comments" at the end of this post. (If people have already left comments the word will have a number in front of it, i.e., "3 comments".) This will open a new page, where you can read the comments others have left and with a box to the right where you can leave a comment yourself. You will also have the option of signing in with your name, or remaining completely anonymous. If you are anonymous, there is absolutely no way to tell who you are -- so feel free to be very honest!
Here's another plea to PLEASE leave comments! And please spread the blog to others. I'm getting a bit nervous that I won't have enough responses as raw material to construct a piece in which multiple viewpoints are honored. Plus, it's just nice to know people are out there.