It's been a little silent out there so far, so I'm casting the net wider and also giving you all a few questions to prime the pump. Answer one question, or answer them all - it doesn't matter, just hit the comment button at the end of the post and break the silence.
• Is silence liberating or oppressive to you? Has this changed over time?
• Have you ever sought silence as a place of solace, meditation, or calm?
• Have you ever been silenced by another person or by your own fears and inhibitions?
• How has your relationship to sounds and silence changed as you have aged? Have you “heard” less or more as you’ve matured? How do you think this has affected people’s perception of you?
• In what ways has another person’s silence affected you? Have you ever attempted to speak for another person who couldn’t speak for themselves? What happened?
• When do you seek silence? What does silence provide you?
• When do you avoid silence? How does silence disturb you?
• In what ways have you experienced communication without spoken language? What were these experiences like?
• Have you ever felt incapable of really being heard? Have you ever had trouble really hearing someone?
• Is there a depiction of silence in film, literature, visual art, etc., that you find particularly meaningful?
No time/inclination to record? Feel free to mail your story to gbraden@artonpurpose.org or Art on Purpose, attn: Gina Braden, P.O. Box 8200, Brooklandville, MD 21022. All styles and formats welcome!